Work Crew members are the sons of FJWC Active and Sustaining Members. During the year, each Work Crew member has multiple opportunities to volunteer either alone or in groups to earn a minimum of 12 service hours and participate in an end-of-year celebration with the Juniorettes. Traditionally, Work Crew meetings are held monthly and provide an opportunity to work on a volunteer project together and socialize. Work Crew members that are in high school and in good standing may apply to be officers on the Work Crew Executive Board in the spring for the upcoming school year, giving them the chance to showcase their leadership abilities.
Work Crew Guidelines/Requirements
2024 – 2025 Work Crew Officers
President: Thomas Thielemann
1st VP of Membership: Hunter Blalock, Julian Hemmer, Davis Kendall, Nathan Moss
2nd VP of Philanthropy: Ricky Conticello, William Fuller, Drew Long, Thomas Morley
3rd VP of Special Events: Thomas Buchert, Lindon D’Amico, David Fry, Will Schoenfield
Director of Senior Events: Anderson Dinh
New Member Liaisons: Colton Muehr, Jackson Stallings, Jack Watson
Historians: Noah Fortin, Wade Laird, Andrew Marks, Jack McAfee
Many Thanks to the 2023-24 Work Crew Executive Board!
President: Mathew Douglass
1st Vice Presidents, Membership: Luke Covington, Mason Hallmark and Nathan Moss
2nd Vice President, Philanthropy: Drew Long, Thomas Morley and Thomas Thielemann
3rd Vice Presidents, Special Events: Hunter Blalock and William Fuller
Historians: Porter Lippold and Colton Muehr
Member Liaisons: Hudson Green and Andrew Marks